Do You Need A DETOX??

Your body and toxin exposure...
With more than 2,000 new chemicals being produced every year that infiltrate our soil, air, water and food supply; exposure to toxicity is an unfortunate yet unavoidable fact if life.
A 'toxin' refers to any substance that has the potential to interfere with cellular function, as well as both short-term and long-term health.
Our bodies are designed to be able to process and remove toxins via key elimination channels including the digestive tract, liver, and kidneys; however, individuals may vary in how resistant they are to the effects of everyday toxins.
How we do it...
Address diet and lifestyle habits
Supplements personalized for your body
Professional guidance through a series of online videos
Program selected for you after review of individual questionnaire
Please Note: Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding or women.
Online 4 week detox program
$599 (Includes all supplements)

Signs you need a DETOX:
Bloating/digestive issues
Irregular bowel actions
Bad breath and body odour
Sleep disturbances
Overindulgence on food and/or alcohol
Recurring headaches
Low immunity
Your suitability and program will be selected by:
Heather Musgrove -
RN, RM, Grad Dip Nurs, Adv Dip Naturopathy, Western Herbal Medicine, Nutritional Medicine, Institute of Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner