Christine Lucas
Natural Health Therapist and Computer Electro Dermal Scanning Technician
Certificate Naturopathy, C.E.D.S. Technician, Diploma of Nursing,
Diploma Community Welfare
"I am passionate about supporting others with their health."
Christine Lucas is a Natural Therapist who utilises Computer Electro Dermal Scanning (CEDS),
a method that uses the measurement of frequencies, to determine the body’s function
and health.
It is non-invasive and can be used with all age groups.
The two instruments used are a Physiospect and an Orion CEDS unit.
The main objective of a CEDS test is to determine the underlying cause of any health problem or disease. Rather than supressing the symptoms, a CEDS scan is focused on finding the right remedy to assist your own body rebalancing itself.
The computer database allows Christine to identify a personal remedy for your health circumstances.
Christine also utilises functional testing for gut and metabolic issues.
Christine completed training in 1980 as a State Enrolled Nurse and worked as a State Enrolled Nurse for 10 years. Christine went on to complete a Diploma in Community Welfare Services and worked in welfare for 14 years. In April 2020, Christine completed her Certificate in Naturopathy which allows her to work as a natural health therapist.
Christine trained under a practitioner as a Computer Electro Dermal Scanning Technician for a period of time. She gained an interest in Bio-Energetic Medicine after receiving treatment and was inspired by her own health improvements after years of searching for support.
Christine also recommends other modalities in Natural Health where necessary to compliment her treatment for you to gain health improvements.

Book an appointment:
Please contact Christine on 0400 354 098